Homework Help
Homework Expectations
6th Grade
Students and families can expect the following with some room for change:
- Students are expected to read at least 20-30 minutes every night. Students should record daily and get their logs signed by parents at the end of the month.
- Most work for reading class is started during instructional time and if not completed, is assigned as homework.
- Some units may require more work to be completed at home than others.
- Homework given Monday-Thursday with quizzes every 1-2 weeks and tests every month.
- Information about each unit and most lessons are sent home .
- Group work and hands-on learning makes most work completed or worked on in class.
- Amount of homework depends on concept being studied and student productivity.
- Quizzes given about every 1-2 weeks.
Social Studies
- Major projects are completed during class time.
- Formal assessments are generated from the TCI: Ancient Civilizations textbook.
- All students can access the online version of the textbook and reading challenges at home.
- Work sent home an average of 1-3 times per week depending on the unit.
Language Arts
- Work not completed in class is often assigned as homework.
- Projects are often broken down into small, daily assignments.
- Amount of homework per week may depend on student productivity and the current project.
- Word work packets are assigned each Monday and due on Friday, most of which is completed at home. (starting second semester.)
** We encourage students to attend Homework Club Tuesday-Thursday after school.
7th Grade
Students and families can expect the following with some room for change:
Homework given by teachers would be an extension of daily class work, such as finishing an in-class assignment, practicing a skill learned in class, or extending knowledge in a specific subject area. Homework is listed in the agenda which students are required to write in their planner. If homework is not assigned any given evening, students can review/study any curricular area notebooks.
All students read a minimum of 20 minutes each night - fiction or non-fiction text.
8th Grade
Students and families can expect the following with some room for change:
Language Arts
- Students are expected to read at least 20-30 minutes every night.
- Other homework may include using note cards or notes from a journal, to study definitions, places, events, vocabulary, and or scientific symbols.
- Homework may be practicing a speech or reviewing a power point.
- Homework may be using their computer to research a question or a topic mentioned in a particular class.
- Homework may consist of reading 10 – 30 pages in a novel, so they are meeting a predetermined deadline and finishing their book on time
Social Studies/Science
- Homework may be an extension of a classroom project or an assignment that just needs a little more time to complete. Your child will never have a major project that is done 100% at home.
- Homework may be reading a particular chapter or reviewing content that was read in class. This is a great habit for all students regardless if it is assigned or not.
- Homework may be practicing a speech or reviewing a power point.
- Homework may be using their computer to research a question or a topic mentioned in a particular class.
- Homework may be a math worksheet or math problems from their College Preparatory Math (CPM) books.
- Students are expected to study their vocabulary and notes for 5-10 minutes each day. (Hint: Post a list in the bathroom. Study every time you brush your teeth.)
In general - 8th graders should expect homework every school night and occasionally over the weekend. If you ask your child if they have homework the answer is most likely YES. If your child says NO, encourage them to recheck their planners, talk about 2 or 3 things they found interesting in their school day. Many teachers also offer above and beyond materials so that students who finish the minimum expectations may extend or challenge their learning outside of school hours.
Unified Arts/Music/PE
6th and 7th Grade Orchestra
Instruments and Music will be brought to school on days that Orchestra meets.
Students will have technical studies (scales and bowings) as well as music compositions that should be practiced outside of school, 10 to 20 minutes per day 4-5 days per week.
8th Grade Orchestra
Instruments and Music are to be brought to class each day that class meets.
Students will have technical studies (scales and bowings) as well as music compositions that should be practiced outside of school, 10 to 20 minutes per day 2-3 days per week.
Practice outside of class and use the practice records that go home throughout the semester
6th-8th Grade Choir
Students will have an assigned folder with numbered music that they are responsible for. Any lost or damaged original music will be replaced by the student. Paper copy of the words to songs will be available and can be taken home for purpose of memorization. All students are required and graded on attendance and etiquette at concert performances.
6th - 8th Technology
All technology students will be given an Engineering Notebook that will be kept in the classroom. All class projects involving the design process will be completed in this notebook. Students will be responsible for maintaining this notebook and keeping projects organized. Daily binders with a pencil and their planner should be brought to class each day. Homework will be assigned periodically when pieces of projects need to be finished at home so that they can be continued in class the following day.
PE- Anderson/Spooner/Bauman
Students are required to dress appropriately for safe, active physical participation each day. Students need athletic shoes that fit and are tied so that they support the body during movement and do not slip off or fly off during activity. Participation with effort as well as respectful and responsible behavior is expected during each class. Any homework that is assigned will clearly have a due date printed on the top of the assignment, as well as whether it is required or extra-credit.
Google classroom assignments will be assigned as in-class work for research and other work.There may be outside of class home work which will be labeled as extra credit.
8th Grade Fitness - Anderson
Students are required to dress appropriately for safe, active physical participation each day. Students need athletic shoes that fit and are tied so that they support the body during movement and do not slip off or fly off during activity. Participation with effort as well as respectful and responsible behavior is expected during each class.
Google classroom assignments will be assigned as in-class work for research and other work.There may be outside of class home work which will be labeled as extra credit.
All students will need their binders with a planner and two pencils for each art class. Students are expected to do semi-weekly sketches in a sketchbook. Homework will be minimal due to the constraints of art supplies.. Students may bring home projects that are late to finish if they are drawing assignments, but otherwise should make arrangements to come in at recess or after school.
Health: 6-8th
Students will need to bring their binder, chromebook and something to write with each day. All work is done together in class. Health class focuses on the use of positive communication skills throughout the quarter. Class and social expectations are discussed and practiced throughout the quarter. Most of their grade is their weekly social health grade which is outlined on their rubric. Homework will only be necessary for students that miss class and wish to do it alone at home. Otherwise, we always help students in this situation; they are not expected to figure it out on their own and will have time to complete the work during regular class time.